Pianos, Hammers and Haircuts Galore
Ladies and gentlemen, once again I am shocked that another week has passed. TIME IS FAKE! But you know the drill, let's jump on in.
This week was really hard, and beautiful all at the same time. I hate goodbyes, and I thought I would be better at it after saying goodbye to Sister Lines and Johnson-- but it was still so hard!! I love Sister Barnum so much, and I am so grateful for her love and friendship. I guess the wonderful thing about transfers is that I get a new built-in best friend and her name is Sister Likiliki. We have already had a lot of fun together, so I'm excited to see what happens this next transfer!
Last Monday, we had the most beautiful tender mercy and I had to share it. Sister Barnum and I needed haircuts terribly and so we found this cute local hair place and got ourselves an appointment. There was only one lady working there. She had to let most of her employees go because of the pandemic. She had only opened her business two years previous. As we were talking during the haircut, she opened up about her life and her family. We told her what we were doing in New York and she was astounded. After spending 2 hours washing, cutting, and styling both of our hair, we asked her how much to pay her.
"No charge." She said firmly.
"No charge?" I whispered back in bewilderment.
"I don't need to charge the servants of God. I have been paid enough."
Stubborn as I am, I reached inside my pocket to hand her some money to which she refused. My eyes filled with tears, as did hers. I tried my best to say thank you, but words really couldn't do it justice. That day, my heart was filled to the brim and I never want to forget sweet Vanexandra's extraordinary kindness.
We had several other miracles this week including putting our sweet Arlie on date for March 27th! Please pray for her and her family as she approaches that date. She is so ready to make covenants with God. :)
In other news, the Lynbrook ward is phenomenal. Whenever we bring someone to church, the beautiful members immediately welcome, greet and lift these friends of ours. They truly bear the covenant to "stand as a witness of God at all times, in all things and in all places." This past week we had 12 friends come to church and every single one of them left with a smile and a desire to return. I am grateful to serve in a ward where the members desire to bring others closer to Christ. In fact, one of our friends who came to church hadn't been to church in 15 years. He was beyond terrified to come. Many times, he said that he considered not coming, but his courage defeated his fear and he came anyway. After the service, I asked him how he felt and he looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, "It feels like home." The spirit-filled my heart and I had the spiritual confirmation that that is exactly what church should be--home.
Today I wanted to share a journal entry of mine from about a week ago that I hope will encourage any of you in some form or another.
"I remember the day I got my call like it was yesterday. I was beyond excited to open the long-awaited email. I had no idea where I would be going, but that didn't matter anymore to me--I just wanted to serve. So many things kept me from getting my papers done and I was sure that it was Satan working his very hardest to keep me from the field. The more things weren't working out, the more committed I was to go. I wanted it with urgency. I remember at one point in January of last year, crawling into bed and crying. I just asked, "Do you want me to go, or not?" Immediately, I felt deep peace enter my heart. I didn't know how it would all work out but I believed that it would. Sure enough, as time passed, it did work out. The doctors found the problem that was causing the hold up on my papers and I was finally able to submit my papers in February. Week after week passed and each Tuesday I would refresh my email and nothing had come. Finally, March 17th arrived and I had the strongest feeling that it was coming today. At 9 in the morning, I got the notification. I cannot describe the excitement that I had.
That night, I read the words aloud in front of family and friends.
"Dear Sister Miller," love washed over me in an overwhelming way. I felt Christ's arms wrap around me and fill me with courage for what was ahead, I feel like He knew that this journey would not be easy, but He was proud of me for embarking anyway. I felt a reassurance that I really could do it, and I was called of God to do it.
As I continued reading the Spirit stayed ever-present. "Your purpose will be to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and his Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. As you serve with all your might, mind, and strength, the Lord will lead you to those who will hear His message."
Then came the part that was long-awaited.
"You are assigned to labor in the New York, New York City mission." As I read those words, my heart filled to the brim. I knew without a "shadow of a doubt'' that God had called me to New York City. I knew that there were people there or me to teach and bring closer to our Savior. And the spirit witnessed it to me so strongly that I even had the thought, "Why didn't I think of that?" I know that it is that reassurance of the spirit that led me to take my first step away from my family on July 22. It was the spirit's reminder that kept me going in the first 2 weeks in the field. It was the spirit's reminder of my call that motivated me to accept an assignment as a social media specialist, a trainer, and as a sister training leader. It was as if the Lord was able to call to mind that moment over and over and over again--to remind me that I have a purpose here. That even on the hard days when things don't go particularly well--, I was meant to experience that, I was meant to partake of that so I could labor with all my heart, might, mind and strength. So that I could bear the shame of the world for Christ's sake.
When I look back at the individual I was before my mission, I want to thank her. I want to say, I love you. I wish I could tell her that God is proud of her decision to serve and that this call would forever change her life. I wish I could say to seize every moment. Take the bad with the good in stride. To believe in miracles and expect them, because they will happen every day. I wish I could tell her that it's okay to be scared. But more than anything, I would tell her that she has been called of God and to never forget it. To hold tightly to that calling and to rise to the stature within herself. To fight back negative thinking and hold tightly to the fact that every single day has a purpose to the Lord.
But, if I could tell her all those things, I'm scared she wouldn't learn it for herself. My mission thus far has taught me innumerable things and I've only been out for 8 months. But it has taught me three very important things. 1) You have a purpose here. Not only in NYC, but in your area, with your companion, with those you teach. 2) God's got this. There is nothing you CAN do without God. Absolutely nothing. There is no point in trying to hold up the world on your own--you can't. But the second you turn your life over to Him, He can make magnificent things happen. 3) Every soul matters. Yours, your companion, neighbors, family, friends, strangers, members, less actives--YOUR job is to help them see the first 2 points.
I love my mission and I know I have been called to serve here in New York, right now."
My dear friends, wherever we are in life, I know there is purpose for you there. God loves you. He knows you. And you matter to Him.
In closing, I wanted to share an epiphany I had this week.
Oftentimes in the scriptures, we hear the words, "become an instrument in the hand of the Lord." I started pondering that and what that meant.
We often think of instruments as items such as the piano, violin, flute, etc, but other instruments are just as valuable! A hammer, screwdriver, air pressure checker, and others. I believe we are all instruments of different kinds. How silly would it be for a piano to spend its whole life hoping to hammer nails and for a screwdriver to play a beautiful melody? Both instruments would get to the end of their lives and feel as though they did nothing of value. But the truth of it is, they were created for a reason, and it is not to be someone/thing else.
And all of these instruments are nothing without someone to use these tools. A piano has no melody without a pianist. A hammer cannot successfully pound nails without someone to hold it. When we submit to the Lord, we become the best instrument that we can possibly be and we perform the work that he has in store for us. It may not look like what Bobby John is doing down the street, but that's okay. We have our own calling.
Jeffrey R Holland once said, "'All God’s critters got a place in the choir.' When we disparage our uniqueness or try to conform to fictitious stereotypes—stereotypes driven by an insatiable consumer culture and idealized beyond any possible realization by social media—we lose the richness of tone and timbre that God intended when He created a world of diversity."
1) Goodbye Sister Barnum
2-3) Hello Sister Likiliki & THE BOOK OF MORMON--the BEST book ever!
2-3) Hello Sister Likiliki & THE BOOK OF MORMON--the BEST book ever!
4) Smores
Be happy. Be brave. Be smart.
Sister Miller
Sweet child,
Grandpa says he thinks the mission president calls his sisters to be your companion because he knows you’ll show them a great time and have a lot of fun. Love you, love your letters, love what you are doing. We had our bull sale last week. It went great. We had a lot of people here. I think people came because they were tired of being locked up at home. We had standing room only.
Funny story--we got all the checks. We sent the checks to the bank with Brent. He made the deposit. When he came back to the house he said that is way too much money, so we went through the checks and figured out that some man had written a check for $86,500 instead of $8650 and had the bank deposited the $86,500. We called the bank to change it, but it was too late. So, we had to call the buyer and tell him to stop payment. Grandpa told him that the bulls were actually worth $86,500, but the guy wasn’t willing to pay, so we gave him his money back. He sent us a new check.
You know we are so proud of you, and the choices you have made. We will keep praying for your success and wish you the best.
Love you bunches,
Grandpa says he thinks the mission president calls his sisters to be your companion because he knows you’ll show them a great time and have a lot of fun. Love you, love your letters, love what you are doing. We had our bull sale last week. It went great. We had a lot of people here. I think people came because they were tired of being locked up at home. We had standing room only.
Funny story--we got all the checks. We sent the checks to the bank with Brent. He made the deposit. When he came back to the house he said that is way too much money, so we went through the checks and figured out that some man had written a check for $86,500 instead of $8650 and had the bank deposited the $86,500. We called the bank to change it, but it was too late. So, we had to call the buyer and tell him to stop payment. Grandpa told him that the bulls were actually worth $86,500, but the guy wasn’t willing to pay, so we gave him his money back. He sent us a new check.
You know we are so proud of you, and the choices you have made. We will keep praying for your success and wish you the best.
Love you bunches,
Grandma and Grandpa
Hey, sweet girl!
Well, Mexico was fabulous! I loved being there with my sisters. I loved the turquoise water and the white sand. It was crazy how pretty it was. It was definitely a paradise. The only downside of Mexico is that there is true poverty wherever you go, and although that opens your eyes to what is out there, it also makes it feel sad. When we were in the resort though, everything was amazing. It truly was a paradise. I already told you about the Book of Mormon tour and Tulum, which was awesome. I also told you about the XPLOR expedition where we zip-lined and swam in Cenote Caves. It was amazing. The rest of the week we spent our time sitting on the ocean and drinking virgin strawberry daiquiri's. So delicious. I think I had 4 or 5 a day, which was not good for my health habits.
On the last day, Michelle, Sheri, and I went out in kayaks on the ocean. Sheri and I were in a double kayak and Michelle was in a single "kid" kayak. The "kid" kayak had a hard time getting over the waves and Michelle got pummeled as she tried. This made Sheri and I nervous to even try, but our experience was super easy and we were able to sail right over the waves. Super fun.
I was exposed to Corona while in Mexico. I am now in quarantine at home. It is our hope that I will not get it, but I am not very hopeful. I actually think I may have been having small signs since Tuesday. And today--a few more. Nothing that would be red flags that I am super sick. If this is Covid, I can see how people would think they were not sick and would go out in the community. I wouldn't think I was sick if it wasn't for the fact that I knew I had close contact with Covid. I obviously passed my Covid test on Tuesday to come home from Mexico. That was nice.
We flew home without any hitches. I was only sad to say good-bye to the warm weather. And...also that I am now in quarantine. The kids were cute and made me a care package. I have been in the room. I have had no contact with anyone. Dad and Amber brought me a car, and have pretty much only delivered food to the door. We talk on facetime a lot, but that is our contact. Never in-person. If I am sick, I don't want Amber to be held up from track, and I want the kids to be able to continue going to school, so we have to be careful. I will get tested on Monday. (It will be my 10th test.) If it comes back positive, I will just drive straight to the cabin. I am sad that I will miss Jake's birthday this weekend. Super sad. I don't know what else to do though.
If I have to leave, dad will leave this room for 3 days, so it can disinfect, and then wait for me to get better and come home.
Covid Testing:
1. After close contact with Vanessa and Eric
2. When I got sick in October, the ER tested me.
3. When I went to Utah and came back with a cold. Sami's mom asked that either I take a test or Sami would, so I did.
4. Hawaii Rapid Test
5. Hawaii Three Day Test
3. When I went to Utah and came back with a cold. Sami's mom asked that either I take a test or Sami would, so I did.
4. Hawaii Rapid Test
5. Hawaii Three Day Test
6. Connecticut Test and Patriarchal Blessing for grandma and grandpa to come
7. Test to go see Grandma Elkington after traveling.
7. Test to go see Grandma Elkington after traveling.
8. Test in Mexico to come home.
9. Test on Monday.
I can't think of the 10th test. But, I think there is 10. I am going to keep thinking about it.
I love you.
Love, Mom
It’s Jake’s birthday! Can you believe the kid is already 14?! I know! He’s growing up so fast. I got him some gift cards for his birthday. I think he’ll like them.
This week has been pretty boring. School was rough. I don’t love it. Galloway is stressful. We have our essay that decides if you fail the class due soon. I’m a little nervous. People are less than helpful as they are editing my essay. They do absolutely nothing. All they say is that it is good! Ahhh!! I need them to tell me if I’m failing or how to improve!! Oh well. I’m sure I’ll survive it somehow.
Track started this week. It reminded me how cold it is to pole vault outside. Not fun. Hopefully, it will be warmer soon. I don’t like pole vaulting in the cold. That’s about it for track.
I was supposed to go bowling this week with Sami and Brooklyn, but all the bowling alleys had leagues happening that night and had 2 hour wait times. It was truly unfortunate. Instead, we played the Rock Paper Scissors game. You do Rock Paper Scissors to decide where you get a drink, side, main dish, and dessert. It was fun. We were also going to try and get someone’s number, but none of the boys working drive-thru were nice. We did see a whole wrestling team in Chick-fil-A tho. It was promising. But Chick-fil-A was closing and we didn’t have time. It was a party tho and I hope the story entertained you.
That’s about all that happened this week!
I love you lots!
I can’t wait to talk to you today
It’s Jake’s birthday! Can you believe the kid is already 14?! I know! He’s growing up so fast. I got him some gift cards for his birthday. I think he’ll like them.
This week has been pretty boring. School was rough. I don’t love it. Galloway is stressful. We have our essay that decides if you fail the class due soon. I’m a little nervous. People are less than helpful as they are editing my essay. They do absolutely nothing. All they say is that it is good! Ahhh!! I need them to tell me if I’m failing or how to improve!! Oh well. I’m sure I’ll survive it somehow.
Track started this week. It reminded me how cold it is to pole vault outside. Not fun. Hopefully, it will be warmer soon. I don’t like pole vaulting in the cold. That’s about it for track.
I was supposed to go bowling this week with Sami and Brooklyn, but all the bowling alleys had leagues happening that night and had 2 hour wait times. It was truly unfortunate. Instead, we played the Rock Paper Scissors game. You do Rock Paper Scissors to decide where you get a drink, side, main dish, and dessert. It was fun. We were also going to try and get someone’s number, but none of the boys working drive-thru were nice. We did see a whole wrestling team in Chick-fil-A tho. It was promising. But Chick-fil-A was closing and we didn’t have time. It was a party tho and I hope the story entertained you.
That’s about all that happened this week!
I love you lots!
I can’t wait to talk to you today
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