Wow, the time has flown by. I’m loving every second, and it’s already my first Preparation Day!! (To those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s my day to do laundry, send emails to you—my favorite humans—and take a nap!) 

This week, I said goodbye to my friends, got set apart, and became a missionary. 

My setting apart was such a neat experience. A “setting apart” is when you are officially made a missionary for the church. I brought my name tag so I could put it on as soon as I was given the role as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I felt the Spirit witness to me that this is what I’m supposed to be doing and that the Lord needs me. I put on my tag immediately after, and I felt the joy of being able to represent my Savior. BEING A MISSIONARY IS FANTASTIC!

As many of you know, I have the opportunity to do my missionary training online. I have a district of 10 awesome humans and a very sweet companion. My companion is Sister Staheli (pronounced S-tail-ee). She’s assigned to LA, so between the two of us—we cover the two largest cities in the USA. She’s just a gem and I’m so glad I get to learn from her. 

Later this week, my family and I went up to the cabin to celebrate the fourth! (YAY ITS INDEPENDENCE DAY PEOPLE!) While we are up here, I still have all my missionary responsibilities. As I tried to log on to my class, the internet got pretty fuzzy and that made things difficult. I was surprised at how distressed I was at missing class. I’m learning so much and enjoying my classes immensely! (Don’t worry, we figured out how to maneuver the internet!!) 

It’s been an awesome week/ few days! I’m loving this experience more than anything. I no longer have to say “I hope they call me on a mission” because they did! I have been called to serve. 

My spiritual thought today is from my personal study this week. I was reading in a church magazine from 1996. President Faust gave a talk about the things he wants his son to know before he goes on a mission. In it, he shares a quote I love. 

“President Ezra Taft Benson once said: ‘One of the greatest secrets of missionary work is work. If a missionary works, he will get the Spirit; if he gets the Spirit, he will teach by the Spirit; and if he teaches by the Spirit, he will touch the hearts of the people; and he will be happy. There will be no homesickness, no worrying about families, for all time and talents and interests, are centered on the work of the ministry. That’s the secret—work, work, work. There is no satisfactory substitute, especially in missionary work.’”

I’m so excited to WORK. I’ve promised myself that there will never be a morning I hit snooze. I am giving everything I have to the Lord. 

The church is true my friends. 

Be happy. Be brave. Be smart. 

Love, Sister Miller 

PS: To all of you who I told my p-day was on Tuesday, I'M SORRY! It got changed right as I was set apart. It's Saturday. 
PPS: I can't figure out how to attach pictures but I am sure I will figure it out by next week!


Sister Hailey Miller

Set Apart as a Missionary

Home MTC


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